Thursday, January 25, 2007

No Time for Yarn

So I am back at school. This means, much less time for knitting. I am about 1/3 of the way done with the 2nd sleeve, and after that just seaming needs to happen! Of course, that will probably take me years, since I already have no time and the semester has just started yesterday. In addition, I have bought out all of Noe Knit's Jo Sharp Silkroad Ultra in Elm, dye lot 62 so if I need more, I'm screwed. I might have to resort to going to the yarn shop in Warren, RI and just buying the wrong lot. Which would be awful.

As for the socks, there isn't much to report. They could be socks, or mittens, or a sleeve at this point, since I haven't gotten to heel or anything yet. But I had to restart them about a million times! When I was flying over here the man sitting next to me saw me rip out 2" of the ankle ribbing and seemed more shocked than me. But, everything has turned out alright and we are about 4" into the 6" top. More updates as events occur. I hope this entry hasn't been too boring, with no pictures or anything, but at least I am writing!


1 comment:

Alexa said...

I started Under The Hoodie 13 days ago and am halfway done with the sleeves.

Hah, I beat you in the speed knitting competition.